Friday, December 30, 2011

Knitaway® 2012: Shawls from the Center

     Have you ever tried starting a knitted shawl in the center and been a bit befuddled by all those needles and just a few tiny stitches?  You wouldn't be alone.  But there are many ways to get a beautiful start on a shawl from the center and some of them may surprise you with their ease and beauty.  The start pictured here is one I've recently "unvented" and actually needs only two needles to get going.  I've put it on double-pointed needles to turn it into a square but it could become a circle or a rectangle or a spiral just the same.  I could have chosen instead to use the magic loop or two circular needles and any of these methods would be perfect for the start of a new lacy beauty.

      I'm intrigued, rather obsessed, with alternate methods of starting and shaping shawls and have been indulging my whims by collecting ideas and experimenting with techniques.    I recently taught a one day workshop  entitled "Shawls from the Center" and while preparing the handouts I realized that I had enough material, techniques, and design ideas to fill several days, enough to fill a book.  So that's exactly what I'm doing. The new book,  Shawls from the Center,  is rolling off the needles and for the  2012 sessions of the Knitaway® in the Studio I'm inviting you to explore the many wonderful ways to begin your shawls from the center,  letting them bloom outward, from zero to lace.  The design opportunities seem endless and my fingers (and those of my test knitters) are flying as we work through the ideas.
     I'd love to have you join in the excitement.  What are the dates for the four sessions of the 2012 Knitaway in the Studio?  April 25-29,  May 2-6,  October 10-14, and October 17-21.  Registration opens very soon, Tuesday, January 10th, to be exact.  Join me for one session or stay for two, come in the spring and return in the fall.  There is a lot to learn and share.  I do hope you can come along to enjoy a Knitaway this year.  Can you tell I'm excited?   I look forward to meeting you here in the Studio for some "centered" shawl knitting.  
    And to you and yours, a very Happy New Year!

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